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Zdjęcie autoraAleksandra Tryniecka

Aleksandra and Bunky's Pre-Christmas Reading Session! 01.12.21

Dear Readers!

In this video, Aleksandra and Bunky - the main protagonist of her novel - would like to invite you to hear an excerpt from Aleksandra's novel "Bunky and the Walms: The Christmas Story" (2021)!

And now: surprise, surprise! :-) If you enjoyed the passage from the novel and our video, please subscribe to our website: - the Subscribers will receive the link to our 2nd free online reading session in December! During our 2nd online (live) reading session, Aleksandra and Bunky will be reading "Bunky and the Walms" again, while the Participants will be able to read passages from their favourite Christmas novels too! Moreover, there will be some gifts and surprises for our Participants and there will be Christmas cheer all around! :-)

"Bunky and the Walms: The Christmas Story" is almost 200 pages long Christmas novel which will allow the Readers of all ages to dive into an interesting and magical Christmas world! Let's follow Bunky on his quest to save Christmas! Dear Readers of All Ages - please join us on this special, literary Christmas adventure! :-) Not a single book is complete without the Reader's smile! :-)

With best wishes,

Bunky and Aleksandra, looking forward to meeting you before Christmas!

Dear Readers, please find your favourite Christmas version of "Bunky and the Walms" below: paperbacks, hardcovers and Kindle versions!


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